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One-on-one health coaching with Sarah

  • Are you stuck in a cycle of dieting, calorie counting and food restriction followed by periods of feeling out of control around food and bingeing?

  • Do you tend to feel drawn to all-or-nothing health kicks like cleanses, fasts and extreme diets with the promise of rapid weight loss? Only to feel derailed by a busy time at work, a holiday or a family event- and then feel you are back to square one?

  • Do you find yourself drinking more alcohol than you would ideally want? Do you find yourself hungover regularly, and feel like it’s holding you back?

  • Do you characterise yourself as someone who struggles to stick to good habits? Do you have a harsh inner voice?

I truly resonate with all these things and I know how exhausting it is to experience with these daily struggles with food. It holds us back from living our true purpose. I have been health coaching for 5 years and I have supported clients to:

  • Learn to feel more comfortable in their own bodies and let go of yo-yo dieting to feel more grounded and stable

  • Adopted a mindful eating approach, transforming their relationship with food to one of calm, and joy.

  • Built sustainable eating and exercise habits that have enabled them to achieve their health goals

How I work with clients:

  • I support my clients to develop a vision of what health, vitality and wellbeing looks like to them, and this forms a roadmap for us to guide action

  • we explore the mindsets and limiting self-beliefs that might be holding us back.

  • I support clients to develop effective nutrition, fitness and mindfulness practices that will support their vision. We co-create realistic action plans that we review and build on during each session.

  • We develop micro-strategies to create lasting behaviours that are in line with their goals.

  • The science of behaviour change is not complicated, but it does require planning, consistency and accountability.

Lasting behaviour change cannot take place when we have low opinions of ourselves or when we have a lot of negative self-talk and tendency to judge ourselves. When we have a harsh inner dialogue or lack of faith in of our ability to change, we tend to get stuck in unhelpful self-sabotaging behaviour loops. Through the coaching relationship, I work with clients to uncover limiting beliefs and thought patterns and build more helpful ways of relating to themselves and their emotions.


If you would like to know more about one-on-one health coaching, please contact me directly at